Gabinet: ul. Kmicica 3, Wrocław
Rejestracja: 601 775 123
dr n. med. Dariusz Kraśnicki skype
  • Paper work before driving licence in Wroclaw

    gabinet dnia: sob, 10/11/2008 - 04:49

    Hi Dariusz....

    My name is H....a, I dont know if u remember me, but I met u before summer and asked u some information about taking driving licence...I was there with my sisters...

    I want to take it know and I was wondering which dokument I should bring with me and what is the steps to take the driving licence????
    if its possible for u, can u give me ur number so i can reach u??
    Thank u

    • Leading schools can organize everything for you. Just take your pasport and enlist.
    • But it'will be wise to have a health certificate from a certified doctor, before enternig the course.
    • At the doctors you have to complete the medical questionnaire and udergo a medical examination.
    • If you’re the holder of a short period driving licence that needs to be reviewed due to a medical condition you may visit my surgery at 3 Kmicica street in WROCLAW tel [mobile] 693 775 123
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