Gabinet: ul. Kmicica 3, Wrocław
Rejestracja: 601 775 123
dr n. med. Dariusz Kraśnicki skype
  • I don't have time and need help

    gabinet dnia: pią, 05/08/2009 - 16:06

    hi I just wondered if there is any possibilities to get my drivings license bit easier??

    I have done the 30h that is requested and the reason I'm asking is because if heard that usually they fail people at least 3 times just to gets some more money:( so I wonder is there any possibility or ways that you could help me with so I can get it on my first attempt I'm willing to pay more then necessary because

    I don't have time to do retakes because I'm in the middle of my exams:( and I would really like to have my drivings license before the summer break:) would really appreciate any kind of help or advice I'm really desperate...
    have a nice day

    After earlier corruption scandals in my City, connected with your issue it's very unlikely, that somebody takes the risk and helps you that way

    Anyway if you are interested in a regular intensive driving course /without any additional payment/ just let me know

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