Gabinet: ul. Kmicica 3, Wrocław
Rejestracja: 601 775 123
dr n. med. Dariusz Kraśnicki skype
  • Driving licence in Polen

    gabinet dnia: pią, 12/05/2008 - 05:01

    Dear Sir, Madam,
    I would like to get my driving licence in Polen.
    I now live in Holland but because i have a problem with my eyes i cannot get a driving licence here in Holland.

    I see 35 a 40 % of a normal healthy person.
    Because i have my own busienss, a taxoffice, in Holland i need to get a driving licence.
    Is it possible to get a driving licence in a few weeks in Polen?

    Do I have t take an eye test in Poland?
    I have taken 40 driving lessons in Holland.
    It does not matter how much it cost to get a driving licence.

    Can you help me to get a driving licence as soon as possible?

    Your sincerely,

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